
This is the JVM implementation of the Relaynet CogRPC binding, meant to be used on Android 5+ and Java 8+ platforms.


This package can be retrieved from Maven Central. For example, using the Gradle Groovy DSL:

implementation 'tech.relaycorp:cogrpc:1.1.6'


The first step is to select the gRPC channel to use. The rest of the documentation assumes the OkHTTP channel integration from relaynet-cogrpc-jvm-okhttp.

Next, initialize the client, depending on the nature of your software:

  • If it's a private gateway communicating with a courier, pass the private IP address of the courier in the private network. For example:

    val client = CogRPCClient(
  • If it's a courier communicating with a public gateway, pass the resolved CogRPC address to the client. For example:

    val resolvedCogrpcURL = resolveCRCAddress("")
    val client = CogRPCClient(resolvedCogrpcURL, OkHTTPChannelBuilderProvider.Companion::makeBuilder)

    Per the CogRPC spec, you MUST use DNSSEC when resolving the domain name above. You can satisfy that requirement with DNS-over-HTTPS (e.g., tech.relaycorp.doh).

Deliver cargo

Simply wrap each cargo in a tech.relaycorp.relaynet.CargoDeliveryRequest and pass all the cargoes bound to the same public gateway to tech.relaycorp.relaynet.cogrpc.client.CogRPCClient.deliverCargo.

Collect cargo

Simply call tech.relaycorp.relaynet.cogrpc.client.CogRPCClient.collectCargo and store(-and-forward) the cargo received.

Close connection

Make sure to close the connection when you're done by calling tech.relaycorp.relaynet.cogrpc.client.CogRPCClient.close.

gRPC Channel Support

To use this library on Android, use the OkHTTP channel integration in relaynet-cogrpc-jvm-okhttp.

We don't have a ready-made integration for Netty at this point, but passing the following ChannelBuilderProvider to work:

import io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts
import io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder

fun makeSSLContext(trustManager: PrivateSubnetTrustManager) =

val provider : ChannelBuilderProvider<NettyChannelBuilder> = { address, trustManager ->
.let { if (trustManager) it.sslContext(makeSSLContext(trustManager)) else it }


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