Package-level declarations
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The server claims that the client is violating the binding.
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Utility to sign and verify CMS SignedData values where the plaintext is not encapsulated (to avoid re-encoding the plaintext for performance reasons), and the signer's certificate is encapsulated.
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The user of the client made a mistake while specifying the nonce signer(s).
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class ParcelCollection(val parcelSerialized: ByteArray, val trustedCertificates: Collection<Certificate>, val ack: suspend () -> Unit)
Collection of a single parcel.
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The server refused to accept a parcel due to reasons outside the control of the client.
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The server sent an invalid message or behaved in any other way that violates the binding.
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Error before or while connected to the server.
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Base class for connectivity errors and errors caused by the server.
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Object to produce detached signatures given a key pair.
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