
This is the JVM implementation of the Relaynet PoWeb binding, meant to be used on Android 5+ and Java 8+ platforms.


This package can be retrieved from JCenter. For example, using the Gradle Groovy DSL:

implementation 'tech.relaycorp:poweb:1.5.13'


The first step is to generate and store the key pair that your private node will use on the network:

val keyPair = generateRSAKeyPair()

Next, initialize the client, which depends on the nature of your software:

Private node registration

Per the PoWeb spec, before your private endpoint can exchange parcels with its gateway, it must register with it in order to get a certificate.

The registration step is preceded by a pre-registration that depends on the type of server you're connecting to. If you're connecting to a private gateway, the pre-registration process is determined by the private gateway implementation; for example, as of this writing, the Android Gateway uses a bound service. If you're connecting to a public gateway, to can pre-register using tech.relaycorp.poweb.PoWebClient.preRegisterNode; e.g.:

val registrationRequest = client.preRegisterNode(keyPair.public)

Once pre-registration is complete, you can complete the registration by passing the registration request registrationRequest to tech.relaycorp.poweb.PoWebClient.registerNode. This registration request contains the registration authorization created by the server. For example, you may complete the registration as follows:

val requestSerialized = registrationRequest.serialize(keyPair.private)
val registration = client.registerNode(requestSerialized)

Finally, you can now store the certificates contained in the registration.

Request signing

Now that your private node is registered with its gateway, you have to use the certificate issued by its gateway and its corresponding private key to sign requests to exchange parcels. You can do so by initializing a signer and passing it to such requests; e.g.:

val signer = Signer(registration.privateNodeCertificate, keyPair.private)

Delivering parcels

Use tech.relaycorp.poweb.PoWebClient.deliverParcel to deliver parcels to the gateway; e.g.:

client.deliverParcel(parcelSerialized, signer)

Collecting parcels

Use tech.relaycorp.poweb.PoWebClient.collectParcels to collect parcels from the gateway; e.g.:

client.collectParcels(arrayOf(signer)).map {
val parcel = it.deserializeAndValidateParcel()
println("Parcel ${parcel.id} bound for ${parcel.recipientAddress} is valid")

Closing the connection

Make sure to close the connection by calling tech.relaycorp.poweb.PoWebClient.close when you're done, or wrapping the statements using the client with a .use block as illustrated below:

client.use {
client.deliverParcel(parcelSerialized, signer)


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This package contains the PoWeb client.