

dnssecChainSchema: DnssecChainSchema
orgCertificateSchema: Certificate
signature: ContentInfo


  • Serialise this signature bundle to its binary representation

    Returns ArrayBuffer

    The serialised signature bundle

  • Verify the signature against the specified plaintext


    • plaintext: undefined | ArrayBuffer

      The plaintext to verify (can be undefined if the plaintext is encapsulated in the signature)

    • serviceOid: string

      The OID of the service for which the signature should be valid

    • dateOrPeriod: IDatePeriod | Date = ...

      The date or period for which the signature should be valid (defaults to now)

    • Optional trustAnchors: readonly TrustAnchor[]

      The DNSSEC trust anchors to use for verification

    Returns Promise<SignatureBundleVerification>

    The verification result containing the plaintext and member information


    If the signature is invalid

  • Deserialise a binary representation into a SignatureBundle instance


    • serialisation: ArrayBuffer

      The serialised signature bundle

    Returns SignatureBundle

    A new SignatureBundle instance


    If the version is not 0

  • Create a signature for the specified plaintext


    • plaintext: ArrayBuffer

      The data to sign

    • serviceOid: string

      The OID of the service for which the signature is created

    • signer: MemberIdBundle | OrganisationSigner

      The member id bundle or organisation signer to use for signing

    • signingKey: CryptoKey

      The private key corresponding to the signer certificate

    • expiryDate: Date

      The date when the signature expires

    • options: Partial<SignatureOptions> = {}

      Additional options for signature creation

    Returns Promise<SignatureBundle>

    A new SignatureBundle instance

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