

The app comprises two HTTP servers and a bootstrapping script that should be run on each deployment. They’re all distributed in the same Docker image:

If you’re deploying the app to Google Cloud Platform, you should use the official module relaycorp/awala-endpoint/google and skip the rest of this document.


PoHTTP server

This is a PoHTTP server that receives parcels from Awala gateways via the Internet. This server MUST be publicly accessible from the Internet.

To run this process, run the Docker container with the command argument pohttp-server.

PoHTTP client

This is a CloudEvents server that receives service messages from the app, and sends the resulting parcels to the respective gateways. This server MUST NOT be publicly accessible.

To run this process, run the Docker container with the command argument pohttp-client.

Bootstrapping script

This script is responsible for generating some initial data required by the app.

To run this process, run the Docker container with the command argument pohttp-bootstrap.

Backing services

The middleware requires the uses backing services:

Environment variables

All the processes use the following variables:

  • ENDPOINT_VERSION (required): The version of the image being used. This value is used when reporting errors.
  • INTERNET_ADDRESS (required): The Awala Internet address of the endpoint (e.g.,
  • DB connection variables:
    • MONGODB_URI (required): The URI to connect to MongoDB (e.g., mongodb://localhost:27017/awala-endpoint).
    • MONGODB_DB (optional): The name of the MongoDB database (e.g., awala-endpoint).
    • MONGODB_USER (optional): The username to connect to MongoDB (e.g., alice).
    • MONGODB_PASSWORD (optional): The password to connect to MongoDB (e.g., s3cr3t).
  • ACTIVE_ID_KEY_REF (required): The @relaycorp/webcrypto-kms reference for the endpoint’s identity key pair (e.g., arn:aws:kms:eu-west-2:<AWS-ACCOUNT>:key/<KEY-ID>).
  • ACTIVE_ID_PUBLIC_KEY (required): The PEM-encoded public key of the endpoint’s active identity key pair. It MUST correspond to the key referenced by ACTIVE_ID_KEY_REF.
  • KMS_ADAPTER (required): The @relaycorp/webcrypto-kms adapter (e.g., AWS).
  • PRIVATE_KEY_STORE_ADAPTER (required): The @relaycorp/awala-keystore-cloud adapter (e.g., VAULT).
  • CE_TRANSPORT (default: ce-http-binary): The @relaycorp/cloudevents-transport transport to use. Each transport has its own set of environment variables.
  • LOG_TARGET (optional): The @relaycorp/pino-cloud target (e.g., gcp).
  • LOG_LEVEL (default: info): The pino log level.

@relaycorp/webcrypto-kms and @relaycorp/awala-keystore-cloud require additional variables which are specific to the adapter.

The HTTP servers additionally support the environment variable PORT (default: 8080), to specify the port on which it should listen.

DNS requirements

The domain name specified as INTERNET_ADDRESS MUST have DNSSEC properly configured and contain an SRV record that maps the _awala-pdc.tcp service to the PoHTTP server’s domain name.

For example, if the Internet address is and the PoHTTP server runs on, a valid SRV record could be: 86400 IN SRV 0 5 443

TLS requirements

The PoHTTP server MUST use TLS 1.2+ host and a valid certificate.

Example with Knative

We use Knative to run the app in development and CI, so you can refer to the Kubernetes resources in the repository to see a fully-operation example.