

The servers that comprise the app are distributed in the same Docker image:

If you’re deploying the app to Google Cloud Platform, you should use the official module relaycorp/veraid-authority/google and skip the rest of this document.

Deploying the API server

The Docker container must use the image above and specify the following arguments:

  • Command arguments: api. Do NOT specify a command.
  • Environment variables: In addition to the common variables listed below, the following are used:
    • Authentication-related variables:
      • OAUTH2_JWKS_URL (required). The URL to the JWKS endpoint of the authorisation server.
      • Either OAUTH2_TOKEN_ISSUER or OAUTH2_TOKEN_ISSUER_REGEX (required). The (URL of the) authorisation server.
      • OAUTH2_TOKEN_AUDIENCE (required). The comma-separated identifier(s) of the current instance of this server (typically its public URL).
    • Authorisation-related variables:
      • AUTHORITY_SUPERADMIN (optional): The JWT subject id of the super admin, which in this app we require it to be an email address. When unset, routes that require super admin role (e.g., POST /orgs) won’t work by design. This is desirable in cases where an instance of this server will only ever support a handful of domain names (they could set the AUTHORITY_SUPERADMIN to create the orgs, and then unset the super admin var).

Deploying the background queue

The Docker container must use the image above and specify the following arguments:

  • Command arguments: queue. Do NOT specify a command.
  • Environment variables: The common and CloudEvents variables (both CE_CHANNEL_AWALA_OUTGOING_MESSAGES and CE_CHANNEL_BACKGROUND_QUEUE).

Deploying the Awala backend

The Docker container must use the image above and specify the following arguments:

  • Command arguments: awala. Do NOT specify a command.
  • Environment variables: The common variables and the CloudEvents variables (both CE_CHANNEL_AWALA_OUTGOING_MESSAGES and CE_CHANNEL_BACKGROUND_QUEUE).

Learn more about Awala support.

Common environment variables

All processes require the following variables:

  • AUTHORITY_VERSION (required). The version of this server.
  • DB connection variables:
    • MONGODB_URI (required): The URI to connect to MongoDB (e.g., mongodb://localhost:27017/awala-endpoint).
    • MONGODB_DB (optional): The name of the MongoDB database (e.g., awala-endpoint).
    • MONGODB_USER (optional): The username to connect to MongoDB (e.g., alice).
    • MONGODB_PASSWORD (optional): The password to connect to MongoDB (e.g., s3cr3t).
  • KMS-related variables:
  • Logging-related variables:

CloudEvents environment variables

@relaycorp/cloudevents-transport configuration:

  • CE_TRANSPORT (default: ce-http-binary): The transport to use.
  • One or more of the following variables (refer to the specific process above):
    • CE_CHANNEL_AWALA_OUTGOING_MESSAGES: The transport channel to use for outgoing Awala service messages.
    • CE_CHANNEL_BACKGROUND_QUEUE: The transport channel to use for the background queue.

      Example with Knative

We use Knative to run the app in development and CI, so you can refer to the Kubernetes resources in the repository to see a fully-operation example.