

Link copied to clipboard
object Companion


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The creation date of the message

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Expiry date of the message

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val id: String

The id of the message

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The payload

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The recipient of the message

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The recipient's certificate, if attached.

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The sender's Relaynet PKI certificate

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Certificate chain of the sender

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val ttl: Int

The time-to-live of the message (in seconds)


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fun serialize(senderPrivateKey: PrivateKey, hashingAlgorithm: HashingAlgorithm? = null): ByteArray

Serialize the message.

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suspend fun unwrapPayload(privateKeyStore: PrivateKeyStore): PayloadUnwrapping<P>

Decrypt and deserialize payload.

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fun validate(trustedCAs: Collection<Certificate>? = null)

Validate the message.