
VeraId Authority

VeraId Authority is a cloud-native app that allows organisations to manage their VeraId members and the issuance of their respective Member Bundles (which they’d subsequently use to produce VeraId signatures).

It offers built-in Awala support so that members can get their bundles with or without the Internet.


This is a multi-tenant app that comprises the following web servers:

  • API server: This is a RESTful API to manage VeraId organisations and exposes an endpoint needed by the Awala integration (if enabled).
  • Background queue. This is a CloudEvents server that processes events in the background.

The app also uses the following backing services:

  • MongoDB 6 or newer.
  • A Key Management Service (KMS) supported by @relaycorp/webcrypto-kms. Every organisation gets its own key pair. Operators are highly encouraged to use hardware security modules in production.
  • Any authorisation server supporting JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS), such as Auth0.
  • Any Knative Eventing broker, such as RabbitMQ or Google PubSub.

To better understand where this server sits in the overall protocol, please refer to the architecture of VeraId itself.


Refer to the installation documentation.


To ask questions about this app or VeraId in general, please go to r/VeraId on Reddit.

To request features or report bugs on this app, please go to our issue tracker on GitHub.